As a manager in a laundry or textile company without a digitized product management solution, you know the problem: your products have to get to the customer reliably – but no guarantees are given that your stock will be returned in full and on time.
To continue supplying customers as planned, stock levels are constantly having to be increased or product is having to be replenished earlier than necessary. This increases your expenses and running costs as you have to manage the ever-growing logistics gap. The consequence: rising costs for your business, which, depending on the market situation, cannot always or without a delay be recovered by a price adjustment.
Our solution.
With the aid of innovative RFID technology, we can break this cycle and ensure that product will not get lost in the first place.
The movement of all goods can be tracked precisely at all times because they are tagged and read continuously. This means you have a real time overview at what point in a product cycle a potential loss is occurring and you can therefore adjust the process accordingly.
Using RFID in laundries or in the textile sector is not a new phenomenon as such. But when developing possible concepts, it is important to take the entire value-added chain of the particular industry into account. And that’s exactly what we do, because we know the inherent processes in laundries, depots and on the side of the customer very well. That is why we also know the solution would not only solve a particular problem, but that this solution could in turn cause complications further down the process chain.
Due to our extensive experience in the textile industry, we have an eye on the entire value-added chain. As a result, our cost-efficient, customized solutions reduce product losses by 70% or more.
Since 2022, the American Nasdaq-listed company Cintas Corporation has relied on our many years of expertise in the textile industry and our large network of reliable partners.
The specialist in the manufacture and sale of workwear and uniforms places great value on customer satisfaction and service. We are pleased to support Cintas in this with our customized solutions package.